ALL NEWS, Tutte le news riguardanti i Cinema Bizarre

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view post Posted on 26/8/2009, 22:26

grazie tesò <3
view post Posted on 27/8/2009, 09:42

Mi sembra così strana la tracklist di Bang! Accidenti xD
view post Posted on 29/8/2009, 08:50


Cinema Bizarre is distinguished with the popular „ Bavarian music lion in 2009 “

Honourable honouring for Cinema Bizarre: the " Bavarian music lion in 2009 “ goes this year to the five Glam rockers. The gala takes place on the 17th September in the Charlottenburger Audi centre and will be presented by Marco Schreyl, known from " Germany searches the superstar ".

Strify, Kiro, Shin, Yu and Romeo receive the popular music price in the category „ the best newcomer International/ Europe “ and may take in one lion from the finest Nymphenburger porcelain with home. The prize trophy was made specially for the rental by the Munich manufacture.

With the " Bavarian music lion “ it concerns a respectable event traditionally takes place within the scope of the Popkomm. In spite of this year's refusal of the music event the lion is lent as planned in Berlin. Musically stand besides national promising bands in the foreground. The price serves as a support of young musicians on the way for the establishment in the music branch.

It is not the first spot that Cinema Bizarre lately becomes a talking point: They are the newcomer sensation of the year! Thus US superstar Lady Gaga invite them personally in addition on her North America tour to accompany where they played together more than 20 concerts and tagged on even two more completely sold off gigs in New York and Los Angeles.

After they had conquered before already the hearts of the Russian fans, now they have also done the same in the USA and Canada. In the European foreign countries they have, above all, in Italy and France a very big fan base. This confirms also of "European Border Breakers Award" five Berlin guys last might accept.

The recently appeared single „ I came 2 party “ is a cooperation with Lady Gagas DJ Space Cowboy whose foundation-stone was already laid during the US tour with the New York diva. The new album "ToyZ" is likewise just publish become. Now with the " Bavarian music lion “ the German music scene on Cinema Bizarre becomes repeatedly also attentive.

The " Bavarian music lion “ offers of national newcomer band the possibility to develop musically and to set up. Among 800 invited guests there are famous representatives from the music branch, as well as from culture, media and policy.


traduzione...coming soon
view post Posted on 29/8/2009, 11:05

After they had conquered before already the hearts of the Russian fans, now they have also done the same in the USA and Canada. In the European foreign countries they have, above all, in Italy and France a very big fan base. This confirms also of "European Border Breakers Award" five Berlin guys last might accept.



view post Posted on 17/9/2009, 11:26

Ciao a tutti,

e bentornati alla newsletter ufficiale italiana dei Cinema Bizarre.

Si avvicina sempre di più il grande ritorno della band in Italia e, col passare dei giorni, sono sempre più dettagliati i particolari che accompagnano la visita della band!

Partiamo annunciando che i Cinema Bizarre torneranno, ad un anno di distanza, ad incontrare i loro fan nell' Habbo Hotel in occasione dell'uscita del loro nuovissimo album TOYZ.
Non perderti l'appuntamento con Strify, Kiro, Yu, Shin e Romeo, pronti a rispondere a tutte le tue domande dal Teatro di Habbo!

SCOPRI tutti i dettagli della chat.

REGISTRATI ad Habbo se ancora non sei iscritto


L'altra grande novità riguarda invece MTV: Lunedì 28 settembre, infatti, i Cinema Bizarre saliranno sul palco di TRL nella tappa di Torino, in Piazza Carlo Alberto!
Un’altra occasione imperdibile per vedere dal vivo la band ed assistere alla loro performance.
Vi ricordiamo che, per chi non potesse raggiungere Torino, TRL sarà in diretta alle ore 15.00 su MTV– Sintonizzate il vostro telecomando!!


Ma le sorprese non finiscono qui!
Potevamo non organizzare un Meet&Greet per le nostre fans? Certo che no!
E allora partecipa al nostro concorso per incontrare venerdì 25 Settembre a Roma Strify, Kiro, Shin, Yu e Romeo.

CLICCA QUIper conoscere tutti i dettagli del concorso.

Prima di salutarvi, vorremmo ricordarvi le imminenti date del nuovo tour italiano:

* 25.09.09 Roma - Alpheus
* 26.09.09 Pinarella di Cervia (Ravenna) - Rock Planet
* 27.09.09 Roncade (Treviso) - New Age

Non dimenticate che ToyZ è disponibile da 2 settimane in tutti i negozi e in download digitale!

Infine, tra pochi giorni saremo in grado di annunciarvi il secondo singolo estratto dall'album…restate con noi e continuate a seguire il sito ufficiale italiano, la nostra community italiana (Forum e Newsletter) e la pagina dello StreetTeam!

A Presto,
34 replies since 13/5/2009, 20:01   1340 views